3rd Grade

Skills list for "Always" rubric:

3.4.1 Find ideas for writing stories and descriptions in conversations with others, and in books, magazines, school textbooks, or on the internet.

3.4.2   Discuss ideas for writing, use diagrams and charts to develop ideas, and make a list or notebook of ideas.

3.4.3   Create single paragraphs with topic sentences and simple supporting facts and details.

3.4.9   Organize related ideas together within a paragraph to maintain a consistent focus.

3.4.4   Use various reference materials.

3.4.5   Use a computer to draft, revise, and publish writing.

3.4.6   Review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity.

3.4.8   Revise writing for others to read, improving the focus and progression of ideas.

3.4.7   Proofread one’s own writing, as well as that of others, using an editing checklist or list of rules.   

3.5.5   Write for different purposes and to a specific audience.

3.5.4   Use varied word choices to make writing interesting.

3.5.1   Write narratives that provide context for action and include detail to develop the plot.

3.5.2   Write a brief expository description about objects, people, places, or experiences that develop the unified main idea and uses detail to support the main idea.

3.5.7   Write responses to literature that demonstrate an understanding of what is read, and support statements with evidence from the text.

3.5.3   Write personal, persuasive, and formal letters, thank you notes, and invitations that show awareness of the audience and include a proper format.

3.5.8   Write or deliver a research report that has been developed using a systematic research process, uses a variety of sources, documents sources, and organizes information by categorizing it into more than one category.

3.6.1   Write legibly in cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, between words in a sentence, and between words and the edges of the paper.

3.6.2   Write correctly complete sentences or statement, command, question, and exclamation with correct punctuation.

3.6.3   Identify and use subjects and verbs that are in agreement.

3.6.4   Identify and use past, present, and future verb tense.

3.6.5   Identify and correctly use pronouns, adjectives, compound nouns, and articles in writing.

3.6.6   Use commas in dates, locations, addresses, and for items in a series.

3.6.7   Capitalize correctly geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events.

3.6.8   Spell correctly one syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, common spelling patterns, and common homophones.

3.6.9   Arrange words in alphabetical order.